Motivation & Learning Issues

Remove blocks to successful study

Is motivation or focus an issue? The core study skills module is usually quite potent to assist motivation and help it grow. In each online session I assist to unlock the student's potential through encouragement, focus and providing study techniques that are extremely effective.

This service is similar to a sports coach, it will assist the student at their game. The game in this case is learning and study. Tiger Woods, Roger Federer and Serena Williams (etc) all have amazing coaches that help them to focus, improve, motivate and refine. Thus the typical motivational flux we all have will be addressed with the standard academic life coaching.

I've had a coach/supervisor consistently in my life for the last 22 years. That's the importance I place on being my best and improving. She performs her role and that fits into this framework as pillar No6 support and role model. This keeps me improving as she is gifted at pointing out my blind spots (pillar No8). Having such a person in one's life helps one to stay focused and on track.

Motivational issues

Sometimes specific sessions are required to resolve unconscious blocks to memory, learning and motivation. As an internationally certified NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Trainer, Master Practitioner, coach and counsellor since 1995 means I am very skilled at working with these issues. Students are often amazed at the changes and how easy it was. Therefore where appropriate my NLP Trainer and counsellor skills will be used to resolve internal conflicts concerning education.

Examples of these conflicts include motivation, concentration and limiting beliefs about one’s ability. These techniques are very effective in resolving these types of problems. Extreme care is taken to ensure the desired outcome is well defined before we work on it. No change process will be used without the clear approval of the individual and parents. The process will be fully explained in advance before any change work is undertaken.
Correct follow-through is very important and commitment is required for this specialty change work. As part of the feedback process you will be clearly informed.

Everyone is motivated to succeed at a deep level as it is connected to our innate survival instinct. Thus the desire to succeed and be motivated is hard-wired into our DNA. Adding whole brain learning to the natural survival instinct makes a recipe for success.

Stubborn motivational issues and some learning problems can also be resolved. I will give my assessment as to what is required before working on the issue with the student. We will agree on what is desired as the integrated outcome. Then we will track progress as part of the feedback process in subsequent sessions. Depending on the circumstances causing the issue I will make recommendations on how to best support the shift to the naturally motivated state.

These sorts of change work sessions follow counselling protocol. The student's process will be kept confidential in the same manner.

Some students simply need the assistance of a neutral third party to help them focus, get perspective and learn new skills. If this is the case then the core study skills module will give the desired outcome.
My extensive experience and skillset means I always work at multiple levels to assist change so it is more easeful for the client. Students will learn new ways, attitudes and internal processes that help them just by following what is shared in standard academic life coaching sessions. Their testing it builds the confidence and evidence it works. That is ingredient #3 and pillar No3 evidence for them.

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Learning problems

Often learning issues are well known by the parent and/or student. Sometimes students are diagnosed with clinical labels, and may even be medicated. Usually, these are discussed as it will alter how I provide the academic life coaching. Sometimes when working one-on-one with students it becomes very clear that some learning difficulties or motivational issues are more than just not knowing how to learn. Often improvements can be made.

Labelling a student by parents, teachers or professionals can have a massive impact on a student. It sets up an unconscious block that impacts self-esteem, motivation and can impact their entire life. Moving beyond labels and locked issues can be extremely transformational. I have witnessed students blossom when they released these internal blocks, be they true (as a clinical diagnosis) or not (an uninformed opinion by someone of authority).

This is where I excel and can assist with unlocking and shifting unconscious blocks to learning.
Over the years I have seen that some major learning problems arise because of things that have happened in life.
Students respond really well to specific cognitive behavioural techniques (NLP). It can clear the unconscious block in the mind so learning can occur properly. Feedback about significant shifts in student behaviour has been given back to me by teachers, principals and parents. Nothing beats making an improvement! Once the student experiences that they have the freedom to change it can spur growth and doing well.

This type of intervention will be discussed thoroughly with the caregiver and student first. If professionals are involved the caregivers will be informed to tell them also.

My recommendation

My recommendation is to undertake the core study skill module. As part of this process, many issues can be resolved in due course in those 8 sessions.

The specifics that I encounter as this takes place will inform me clearly as to what could be done and what support may be needed. Tap the below button and book in. We shall then discuss how to work together and make your student's life brighter.

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Individual online tutoring is limited to 12 students a week.
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