Parents it's more than Grades
for your son or daughter to succeed in study and life
In this video I explain the benefits your daughter or son gets from this academic life coaching service. It's more than better Grades! Tutoring / Academic Life Coaching is the best for students to get their studies and life on track. Each person's strengths and weaknesses are assessed within the Student Success Tutor 9 pillar framework. Parents will be informed as what could be of most benefit to help the participant. The aim is to move towards being a better learner and a competent whole person. The student will be stepped through how to study, use the Learning State, focus and motivate themselves.
Tutoring Priorities
Short term for Life time Impact
Action on Study & Grade improvement
My immediate focus is on improving study and learning so it becomes easy and doable.
This will improve study quality and effectiveness.
Grades and motivation will then improve.
Teach core skills that make it easy to learn & study
When study and learning are easy avoidance stops and action starts.
Let an expert motivate & teach the real skills of learning to your child/teenager so they can excel and embody what education systems don’t have time & resources to teach.
Let me motivate your teenager
Motivation and study application can be tricky.
As an external coach, outside of family and school dynamics, I can offer help and methods that don’t carry unconscious bias. The teen development cycle is about being me and I help them find that in a way that serves them. This increases the likelihood of a behavioural shift to success.
Leave it to the expert so you enjoy your family time.
Decrease family stress
Relieve yourself of the stress of trying to urge your daughter or son to study.
I’ll motivate them for you.
Parent feedback is part of this service. As part of that we can discuss how we can assist them further so they make the most of this opportunity.
Accountability to an external coach means the student will make the extra effort to apply.
This guarantees action and application initially. As the natural benefits of this service are experienced students typically become proactive.
A student not using this service for what it is designed for is very rare in my experience, and would suggest that an intervention by other professional services is required as a deeper issue is the core problem. This outcome would be discussed as part of the standard Parent feedback process.
Have your financial investment in your son or daughter’s education produce an independent adult who is an adaptable and successful person.
Have your teenager/ student discover how easy and fast it can be to learn, study and feel the positives of doing better. Start the cycle of succeeding. Watch them become responsive to their own drive to get what they want in life by mastering their subjects.
Why Parents & Parrots?
As a parent you may be wondering why I'm working with wild birds and animals, it's because it helps learning. In fact, it is such a fun way to learn in 2021 I decided to make a new website This is dedicated to helping people to Learn Whispering so they can use these same skills to enjoy nature and life. The animals show us clearly how we operate unconsciously. They demonstrate how State Awareness traffic lights work and how quickly that can shift to 'green of go' from a stressful alert state of 'yellow or red'. It also demonstrates how effective the Learning State is in helping us relate to ourselves and others. Animals demonstrate the operation of the unconscious mind, pillar No5 in the 9 pillar framework.
That's what is so remarkable about the 9 pillar framework is it applies to animals as well. We are all habit machines. Thus if we choose the right habit through the correct application of these fundamental skills our life can thrive and be very peaceful and amazing.
My role is to make learning easy and preferably enjoyable. To spark motivation and desire to do better a student needs to learn how they work inside. The simple principles in this website when used and applied help a person deal with most of life's situations. All of life, if it is to be enjoyable is state dependent. That is a state that feels good and has you able to respond at your best.
Thanks to the pandemic a new website and the LearnWhispering 101 course has been made. This course can be used to encourage learning skills in a very unique way from standard educational approaches.
The animals demonstrate changing their state and the operation of the unconscious mind. They also show the effectiveness of my Learning State abilities when making videos with them. The animals demonstrate great trust with me, this is obvious by the lack of fight-flight survival instinct responses. It is extremely rare for the birds to use the alarm call with me. In many videos I can hold a bird fully and when it is free from that restriction they often stay on me in a peaceful manner.
I also endeavour to draw out the person's appetite for learning and excite their passion for their future. Being authentic to themselves is part of this process. This lights the fire of drive, self-esteem and achievement. As you will see in these videos I'm authentic. To care for your unconscious (your inner you) is critical to being happy and activating full neurology to increase performance in any activity. On the unconscious mind page this is all explained. I speak with caring and affection "as if they are my best friend or brother who is 5 years old". That is why I have mastered the Learning State in most of life's extreme situations. I remain functional and responsive.
Study skills & learning techniques
The first of the 3 approaches to develop a great person
In the core study skill module we cover the practical skills to:
♦ Know how to activate the brain for learning.
♦ Pass subjects and achieve better grades.
♦ Be motivated to study. Understand motivation and how to change it.
♦ Learn fast and easily.
♦ Take faster, memory efficient notes.
♦ Overcome learning difficulties.
♦ Stress monitoring and reduction.
♦ Have greatly increased subject recall.
♦ How to plan and organise so study and assignments are done to maximise grades.
♦ How to keep life balanced so good study habits continue.
♦ ♦ General outcome: To maximise study time effectiveness with better memory which leads to better grades. These techniques by themselves are profoundly effective when used. They maximise how their neurology operates, decreases stress and makes memory and productivity improvements obvious.
Feedback & nurturing learning habits
The 2nd Approach
Once the new skills have been taught they are then used by the student. This helps nurture and increase awareness of the skills and their benefits. Students also monitor their actions and inaction so they learn the cause and effect of their motivational and Learning States.
As the student uses these new skills they experience where they do or don't work. The tutoring feedback loop causes introspection so they learn at deeper levels. My additional input helps to tailor these critical skill sets and attitudes. This leads to more application therefore better memory, increased grades and habit change.
Deep structural shift
with motivation, habits & competency: the 3rd Approach
Study represents your teenager's current life task. How they succeed, or not, sets up how their life may unfold. Skills, motivation and outcomes experienced here set the base for life direction. This time is critical for their development and future life path.
How do they approach failure and feedback? Do they take negative feedback as something that can be used constructively to help make improvements? Do they question and examine how their motivations, brain function, memory and strategy to life can be improved? Successful people, and good learners, exhibit certain traits. The use of feedback is a key success indicator.
Experiencing improvements set up momentum for positive outcomes and having a better life. Student Success Tutoring is initially about brain friendly efficient and enjoyable learning. However, the greater outcome is to develop long term habit and attitude shifts that serve achievement, balance and happiness. Success at study, be that school, college, university or even a hobby is crucial. These services will give them the best chance possible.
Have your daughter or son learn through their studies how they are self motivated. The skill of self monitoring their internal states is extremely important. This then helps them work with emotions. Development of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), as discussed by Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, has a large impact on the quality of a person's life. These most important skills that are NOT taught in education systems. However, these skills help make life more enjoyable if you have them or dysfunctional if lacking. The simple process of maximising learning means tuning awareness to decrease stress and increase focus, thus emotions and negative thinking is seen and shifted as the Learning State is activated.
Learning to enter the Learning State teaches them how to monitor, work with and develop competency with their emotional states. This gives them greater conscious choices over their feeling and emotional states. Thus it does have a positive influence on emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional intelligence then gives them a better ability to function in relationships, workplaces and to communicate when things get challenging. Students can be coached more specifically on these life skills as part of ongoing coaching.
This skill set is particularly important if your child is being subjected to bullying. Bullying is one of the biggest problems concerning high school students in Australia, according to School Principals in an ABC news website article in November 2017. Bullying, while not an intended focus of this service, assistance and advice can be given as the strategies and ways to deal with this will vary from situation to situation, and person to person. Bullying can be quite a distraction to study. How bullying can be mitigated and resolved is discussed on the bullying page.
Issues students face today
that you didn’t before 1995
World wide pandemic
The pandemic was and still is a major disruption to everyone's life and education. It has been impossible to not be impacted in multiple ways by this enduring event. Trauma, stress and imposed behavioural change has been natural outcome for all humans. Dealing with this and healing it is important for us all. Resistance has made it worse and divided society in many ways.
Social Media & Phone addictions
These attention monsters are now a fact of society.
Smartphone and social media interference will be monitored as part of how to study well.
Behaviour change and reward strategies will be used to help the learner put these in perspective to help the student respond to these appropriately. For example, social media can be used as a motivator, once some study is done.
Short attention spans
Reverse the trend of the short three second attention span.
The skills taught here are designed to teach inner focus and whole brain learning. These techniques and study activities develop longer attention spans.
Attention spans can be developed that cope well with three hour exams.
Disempowering 'external only reference' to empowering internal reference
Teens especially suffer from “I have to fit in” and FOMO (fear of missing out) which is externally based on what others think and do. A much healthier approach is to reference internally, where one follows their own drives and individuality.
This learning methodology embodies internal referencing to maximise time, motivation, feeling good and being relaxed (which is the Learning State). Therefore the point of reference becomes more internal as this is critical for good memory and whole brain learning.
When a person experiences genuine improvements it is undeniable and naturally attractive to continue this positive progress.
Learning appropriate phone use, increasing one’s attention span and developing internal referencing are critical skills for study and life. While these abilities are rarely taught they are determining factors for those who succeed in life with happiness and those that don’t. Attention and time then goes towards driving their life to the real goals they want.
My skills and abilities mean I can teach these implicitly while focusing on the task of learning and doing well at academic pursuits. This means the student learns new skill sets by doing them without them being a focus.
This academic life coaching service is actually many services rolled into one.
Feedback questions and strategies employed will force this into conscious focus. With conscious focus everything changes as it can no longer be ignored.
Book a session now. Let's discuss an action plan
Individual online tutoring is limited to 12 students a week.
Book here. World-wide online.