Emergency Response & Pain
Be functional & responsive in emergencies
What is your instinctual emergency response? When something horrible happens do you react, freak-out and freeze or go into anger/rage? Or do you respond consciously and be resourceful? Life presents us all with challenging situations, be that bullying, disagreements, health issues, accidents or worse. Of course, the pandemic gave us all a set of nasty challenges. How did you manage? Response or reaction?
The basic 8 session package covers the core skill set to ‘respond’ and be fully functional in emergency situations. To take these skills to such an unconscious level is worth the effort. To be functional so you can take fast, logical and correct action may save your life! It will minimise damage, and help outcomes. This below video describes the role the Learning State played when I was hit by a car when biking to work in May 2018. My final osteopath visit was November 23 as an indicator of the length of time for healing, exactly 6 months from the accident.
How useful is the Learning State
as an Emergency Response?
Because of the Learning State I was able to stop shock symptoms. I was able to think clearly, stay out of emotional trauma and keep my body from going into dysfunctional shock symptoms (shaking, disorientation and chills etc). I was hit and carried twenty meters (65ft) on the front of an accelerating SUV car until I was thrown off onto the road.
Because of my practice of being in the Learning State I was able to instantly halt any traumatic instincts even though I was unable to breathe. My diaphragm had been impacted on the right side and I was unable to breathe in. Entering the Learning State instantly gave me the ability to assess my body for damage and broken bones (etc). It took me thirty seconds to recover my breath. During this time I was activating the Learning State and assessing my body as well as focusing on my abilities to cognitively function. This was to see if I could be focused and think correctly. I knew I would have to assess myself, check my bike and do a scene video with as much detail as possible.
Within 45 seconds of being hit I walked over to my bike, got my phone out and did a scene video of the whole accident. The scene video I made shows I was coherent, clear about what took place and fully functional. As my body was full of adrenalin there is a hint of anger in my voice. After discussing the accident with witnesses and exchanging details with the driver I continued onto work bleeding and did a full 8 hours work.
I spent the next day in bed resting, feeling very sore. I also had a full medical accident assessment. Four months of acute pain followed. The above video was taken 17 days after the accident, I was in acute pain, can you tell? This is the power of the State Awareness and Learning State when they are practiced. They become a habit, and it has significant benefit to daily human life in all areas.
![Learning state in emergencies the red line is the path of my bike when hit by a SUV car](https://studentsuccesstutor.com/wp-content/uploads/Learning-state-in-emergencies-Path-of-bike-in-crash-1.jpg)
This emergency response showed the power of practicing these two main core life skills. This unfortunate instance showed me how deeply these habits had ingrained in an instance where I faced potential severe injury or death. I've had many of these horrible instances since 2008, and this has always been my first reaction. These core skills are used throughout my day to assist my functioning in all of life's good and bad situations.
In direct contrast, the driver of the car went into emotional shock. He was unable to think clearly, answer questions and behave effectively for over 15 minutes. I have this on video as evidence. He went into traumatised behaviour, and he didn’t sustain any physical damage at all. He repeated over and how sorry he was. Though he didn't offer a cent compensation to cover what was broken or cover my lost wage for the day I spent in bed. At one point he crouched on the ground and rocked back and forth saying he was sorry for 5 minutes. That is emotionally dysfunctional behaviour, this sort of emergency response could result in very bad outcomes for oneself or others. He was in the extreme red traffic light state. My state was so clear I comforted him, while I was bleeding from both elbows and knees.
To have these useful and life saving reactions occur when something challenging or dangerous happens means it has been practiced enough for it to be automatic. These study skills give that practice, as does learning a self-defense discipline like karate (etc), in regards to an emergency response in threatening and adrenalin-loaded situations. As humans we are creatures of habit, the only question that then needs answering is this: Is my natural habit one that leaves me resourceful and happy?!
These two core life skills of State Awareness and the Learning State embed this throughout the day when learning and studying. It can be done anywhere at any time and nobody else will notice (unlike martial arts).
Chronic & Acute Pain management
Dealing with pain is possible
Unfortunately physical pain happens to us all at some point. Pain isn't nice. It is natural to try and avoid pain. Leaving the body via thoughts and distraction is a common method employed. People are very resistant to being aware of their bodies when in pain. Thus to choose to feel it as I describe in the Learning State, to activate the neurology fully, seems to contradict the natural desire to avoid pain. As a personal exercise notice how you try to avoid the feeling of pain.
When in pain really focus on where you place your thoughts, your eyes in your eye sockets and facial expressions. Record the difference between being in the Learning State and when you go into avoidance feelings. Put your observations in your success journal. If willing please send me an email of your observations, I'd really appreciate that.
The Learning State is also good for pain management. Even with medication physical pain is usually unpleasant. Pain avoidance causes stress in the body, and does it actually work? Using the Learning State can help the body relax so it can release tensions associated with pain. This reduces the healing time and can reduce secondary complications which then extend pain and recovery time. This seems counterintuitive, to enter the body neurology more and feel the pain. Having run many classes and workshops where this method is shared with adults I have heard many objections. I've seen people wince at the thought of it as I explained it.
I have experienced my fair share of chronic and acute pain. As mentioned above being hit by that car in 2018 meant 5 months of pain, the first 3 to 4 months easily classified as acute/chronic. But that is minor compared to chronic repeating lumbar spine issues I had for many years. Luckily I resolved that issue through Learning State use, diet change (lost 15kg, and associated dietary inflammation decreased) and clinical Pilates. I retrained the deeply unconscious muscles (multifidus, erectors, psoas and transverse abdominis etc) in the sympathetic nervous system to function correctly so they could cease their dysfunctional pain inducing behaviours. These pain inducing muscle spasms were the unconscious mind trying to keep me safe, in accordance with the prime directives it runs by. My lumbar spine has been perfectly pain-free since 2014, quite a significant achievement that I am very happy about. YES!!!!!
These many years of pain have proven to me that life is much more pleasant when in acute or chronic pain if the Learning State is held. Pain is pain, it's not nice. Chronic pain adds more stress into the body, mind and emotions. Life is more tiring when ongoing pain is being experienced. I can say categorically that the suffering aspect of pain is heavily reduced if the Learning State is made a habit and applied. Avoidance of pain does not work. Yes, avoidance is very tempting, and I did do some of that but I really noticed it exacerbated the symptoms, weariness, pain fatigue and tiredness.
The Learning State is also in full alignment with all the studies about stress reduction helping healing. Healing happens faster as the Learning State makes stresses conscious so the unconscious can release them (as the unconscious controls the muscle tension). While I continued to bike that year when hit by the car, every day, rain or shine through winter I never got sick once. I never even caught a light cold, as everyone does at the workplace. I only had one day off, the day after I was hit by the car.
I can give specific assistance if you want to address pain issues to complement your current recovery plan, make contact to discuss.
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