The Learning State

The KEY to Better Memory & Life Success

The Learning State is the MOST CRITICAL factor to maximize learning, retention and application of information. The Learning State optimises physical skills also. After three decades of research, living and experimenting with the Learning State I can say with confidence this is also the key to life happiness and success habits. In this video I explain the benefits your daughter, son or students can achieve from academic life coaching and learning this most critical human skill. It's more than better Grades!

Learning State explained

Wild Parrot demo for students

How do you enter the Learning State? I explain as I demonstrate it with wild King Parrots. It shows how complex tasks can be performed while in the Learning State. I also explain the benefits of the Learning State. The key benefit is that you end up feeling good and stress free. Yes, it is the doorway to improved and even photographic memory. My method is backed by science, and I did develop photographic memory when at University from developing Learning State techniques and testing them.

In this video, the King Parrots also show us how to learn and how we behave. The young bird (slight yellow on the beak, as opposed to the black beaked mature birds) that I hold, does all the grumpy behaviour and biting everything including my ear. Just Delightful! There is plenty to watch with the bird's behaviour and how I work with these adorable wild birds. As these birds never give their distress call they are actually OK with me handling them. Tap picture to watch this fun video.

What is the Learning State

The Learning State is where the whole brain’s left and right neocortex is activated for learning, recall and being optimally functional. This applies to any setting be that education, sports, workplace or biking (etc). The neocortex is the top cauliflower-looking part of the brain. Humans have the biggest neocortex of all land based mammals. Furthermore, the deeper areas of the brain including the corpus callosum (the highways between left and right sides of the brain, for multitasking), limbic system and the reptilian brain are more accessible for memory linkage with emotions and the senses.

Logically, having more neurology activated makes synesthesia more natural. People who have natural photographic memory naturally make more synesthesias. Photographic memory is more neural connections in different parts of the brain and body neurology. Using the Learning State more linkages are made in your neurology thus memory, understanding and long-term recall are easier to access. It also makes the memory last longer.

The long lasting impact of trauma also illustrates this point as these instances create many strong associations in our neurology and psychology. Hence it is hard to change trauma based memories and habits. One event can cause a lifetime reaction and a series of unwanted behaviours and undercurrent feelings. The prime directives of the unconscious mind don't favour what we like consciously everything is treated the same. Hence the importance of understanding these core skills so you are empowered to change things you don't like.

Standard educational practices tend to promote only left neocortex connections. This is half if not closer to a quarter of the brain's learning capacity being used. This explains why so many students fail, find learning hard or just dead boring. Distraction and talking with classmates are much more fun. With the student success tutor method the body awareness is included in the Learning State. This then multiplies the active neural connections as it includes neurology throughout the whole body. The solar plexus (tummy) area contains as many neural cells as the brain does. This also encourages natural synesthesia, as the different senses are also included. The standard senses used in learning are the eyes and ears are activated into more alert states. To use the mobile phone bandwidth terminology, the learning capacity is taken from 4G capabilities to 5G capabilities.

The gut neurology is literally the second brain, so let’s use it! The solar plexus and all its neurology are also accessed through being in the Learning State as taught here. My method is unique and has been developed over 20 years of personal application. The Learning State is a relaxed place even if tensions and stress are present. The aim is the minimisation of stress but not necessarily the elimination of it. Some stress related conditions cannot be eliminated instantly. With the correct holding of the Learning State, as described in this website and service, it's a relaxed state with awareness of the tensions and stresses. These stresses can be mental, emotional or physical. The basic life skills described here can assist in reduction, understanding, and hopefully the elimination of some stress factors. Working with how the unconscious mind operates certainly assists as its primary job is to take care of you. In fact it's the No 1 prime directive of the unconscious to keep safe, so less stress means better health and responsiveness.

The Learning State is the doorway to this and to maximising your potential and easeful life. The correct activation of this Learning State means these stresses are acknowledged thus allowing the unconscious mind to help resolve them. This method allows the full activation of the unconscious mind's resources. Learning is then maximised and the unconscious mind can perform its tasks with full efficiency. With practice this skill becomes a habit which is why it is a focal point in tutoring to activate this not just in study but every aspect of life. Until then life and learning are like trying to accelerate a car with the hand-break on. Not only is acceleration slow and uses more gas, eventually parts overheat and break. Most humans operate with their neurological hand-break on.

Our neurology and unconscious mind are designed to be very effective with minimal effort. Using your neurology in a way that it is designed means less effort and time is required. Outside of the Learning State all other whole-brain learning and memory techniques are effectively a manual effort. This is where conscious effort and time are applied so multiple neural connections are formed. For example, to use a mnemonic (a Greek word for memory aid) to remember a quote or fact for an exam will need a rhyme or picture (a synesthesia) to be memorable. Practicing recall is needed to make it long-term.

The Learning State as I teach it here is the way the body naturally operates. The addition of the whole brain study skill techniques will take your learning, recall and use of the knowledge to the next level of mastery.

Brain wave states

The Neuro science of learning

Understanding the link between our state, emotions and levels of awareness has a huge impact on learning, recall and processing information. This is the neurological science behind learning. The diagram shows the scientific links with the body, mind and consciousness. The brain's pulse can be measured like sound in cycles per second or Hertz. The machine used to make the measure is called an electroencephalograph (EEG).
These states are commonly categorised into four main sections. In reality, your brain generates the full range of cycles most of the time.

The four types are discussed in terms of what is occurring when that particular pattern is predominant in the brain. With practice you can monitor and tell what brain cycles you are in. Each cycle has physiological indicators that help you tell which one is predominant. As you practice you will be able to define these better and also operate at the deeper levels more consciously. For example, I now tend to operate in Alpha as a default position most of my day even when highly stressed. Moments after being hit by a car I activated the Alpha state even though I was unable to breathe because I knew this would help me deal with what had just happened (see: the emergency response page).

Beta (13- 40 cycles per second)
Beta brainwaves are associated with fast thinking and activity unless trained otherwise. Low Beta is associated with concentration and alertness whilst the higher levels are associated with stress, anxiety and fight or flight reactions. Lack of low beta activity is associated with disorders such as depression, ADD (attention deficit disorder), addiction, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and other anxiety disorders.
Our eyes operate in focused (tunnel) vision when in this state.

In Beta, the left neo-cortex is predominantly active, i.e.: you are operating with half a brain. You will be learning at 5 to 25% efficiency if you are in the Beta brainwave state. Most educational systems and wrote learning methods are left brained beta state inducing. It is up to the learner to take responsibility to fully activate all their brain, and enter the Alpha brainwave pattern state.

Alpha (8-13 cycles per second)
The Learning State is the predominance of Alpha brainwave patterns. It appears when in wakefulness where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness, such as light relaxed focused attention and daydreaming. This is the REM (rapid eye movement) dreaming stage in sleep. Your peripheral vision will operate when in this brain state. Choosing to go into peripheral vision will activate the Alpha brainwave state and activate both the left and right sides of the brain. Physiology will activate neurology and vice versa.
It is best for learning and memorising subject material. Activities that induce this are listening and playing music, especially music with 40 to 60 beats per minute. Baroque, binaural beats, ambient music is especially good at triggering the Alpha state (and learning). Unfortunately watching TV also induces Alpha, so the adverts go in.
This state is the gateway to body awareness and turning on all your body's neurology. If you are conscious of your body and its state, with it being relaxed, you are in the Alpha brainwave state (or deeper).
In Alpha both the left and right neocortex operate, i.e.: you are operating with your whole brain.

Theta (4-7 cycles per second)
This state is typically experienced in deep focused relaxation, meditation and sleep. Planet Earth resonates at a Theta frequency of 7.83 Hz. This is known as the Schumann Resonance frequency. Georgi Lozanov, the forefather of Accelerated Learning, found in his research that the advanced Indian Yogis operated in this state during their daily activities, as opposed to the general populace that operates in Beta.
This is the optimal state for the advanced review techniques. Higher Theta is very useful to activate photographic memory development. Low Theta, which is indicated as yellow/amber, is difficult to focus but of done is very beneficial for healing, de-stressing and having power naps. In Theta deeper parts of the brain, below the neocortex, are also activated.

Delta (1/2 - 4 cycles per second)
Delta brain waves occur during deep dreamless sleep and are seen predominantly in newborns and infants. However, with practice you will be able to remain conscious when you meditate deeply at this level. If you fall asleep when relaxing, meditating or doing the photographic memory review technique I teach here, then you have entered Delta. Contrary to popular myth, you cannot sleep learn. If any learning does occur it is because you are semi-awake and in the Theta or Alpha brainwave states.
When in Delta you will typically lose all contact with your senses. You will not be conscious of external noise, breathing or body sensations. If you are practiced at holding these deeper states your mind's internal dialogue will be subdued and hard to direct.

Brainwave and brain science summary:
Our brain and neurology operates under certain laws, and these can be measured by science. When we use techniques and habits that support what we want our brain and neurology will help deliver it. Learning is state dependent as is recall and processing the information to give good answers in assessments. The Learning State method taught here is unique and it embodies principles from neuroscience and therapy fields so this can transform educational success. The Learning State does more as its impacts the whole nervous system so the Alpha state can become the default habit. The Learning State is more than relaxation it is designed to maximise your unconscious mind (framework pillar No5).
The rule book of being human is made relatively simple here in tutoring so students can not only study but make life good and enjoyable.

Learning State is optimal for any situation

to do you best in any situation

The Learning State with practice can be activated in any situation. Normally the alpha brain wave pattern and activation of the neurology happens when one is in a relaxed state. However, with Practice you can activate this while in activity. This is often termed the flow state. As you practice and get used to the nuances, the small distinctions, of the Learning State you can do it while biking, on the sports field and in situations that are quite challenging. Your neurology and unconscious mind (your inner you, your 5 year old) learns through using the Learning State how to be in this better place of more resources. It's all about the practice.

Repetition is required for a habit to be set. This repetition requirement is a prime directive of the unconscious mind (your inner you). This coaching service is designed for students and adults to master these skills critical for learning and a great life. The animal videos then give demonstrations of these principles in action.
Firstly, the videos show my abilities to use these skills to work with the animals. Secondly, the animals demonstrate clearly how we behave at the unconscious level. Animals are much more simple than humans, but their behaviour is just like ours. In some of the videos I show how my skills at the Learning State and make the birds or animals be so comfortable that they don't activate their own survival instinct.
On the emergency response page I share how these skills can help you to function and to have control of your neurology when an emergency happens. This can be life saving!

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